Why Should You Start Journaling?

Suppose there is a thought that has been bothering you for quite some time. Ignoring it will only make it worse, and you don’t want to confide in anybody. What do you do? You write about it. If you are struggling to find a solution for a problem, it will be easier if you write about it. I once had this problem of having ninjas come into my home to fight me. After I wrote about it, it dawned on me that I can always lock the door! Now the ninjas can’t come in.

Journaling is not all about writing down problems, thoughts and feelings that bother you. You can also write about your day, future plans, habits you want to get into, freak experiments and pretty much anything you can think of. Most benefits from writing come to you unconsciously like good handwriting, sharper memory, mental clarity etc. One of the things that I like about journaling is that it lets me see how much I have changed over the months and/or years, and that encourages me to be the best I can be.

So why don’t you try journaling for a month, and see if it benefits you or not. You don’t really need a pen and paper; your phone is enough. You can write about anything really. In the end, see how much you’ve changed (you won’t change much in a month but still, take a look) and see if you enjoy the process.

Also, only cool guys like Leonardo da Vinci and Joseph Gordon-Levitt journal. You can join the club too 🙂

Movie Recommendation: The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button